Yahoo Scanned Emails for US Government!
Yahoo recently admitted to scanning hundreds of millions of email accounts at the request of the National Security Agency or FBI. These accounts were scanned without the permission of Yahoo's users.

Could Yahoo be the only big tech company who shared emails? 
What about Gmail, AOL, MSN, and Hotmail?

Protect your privacy now!
Yahoo Scanned Emails for US Government!
Yahoo recently admitted to scanning hundreds of millions of email accounts at the request of the National Security Agency or FBI. These accounts were scanned without the permission of Yahoo's users.

Could Yahoo be the only big tech company who shared emails? 
What about Gmail, AOL, MSN, and Hotmail?

Protect your privacy now!
Do you trust the NSA with your emails?
If you have a Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, or Hotmail email address
your private emails may have been shared with the Government.
Why a Email Address?
Private Email
Unlike some of the largest email service providers like Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, and Hotmail, will not copy, scan, or sell a single word of your email content. Your private email will stay private!
Access from Anywhere
Using multiple computers and devices in multiple locations? No problem. You can access your webmail from anywhere at anytime.
Works on Any Device email is compatible with most mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile, and Blackberry. It will also work on any Windows or Mac computer.
Do you think big California tech companies are sharing your emails with government agencies?
FB Comments Will Be Here (placeholder)

"I don’t trust Silicon Valley tech companies and I don’t trust the government. That’s why I got a email address."

- Mark P., Kansas City, MO

"When I heard that my emails were being scanned, I chose a email address to keep them private."

- Karen M., Gainesville, GA
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